Help us create a bike and walk friendly Montclair.
Vision Zero Montclair Task Force updates and more:
Our goal is Vision Zero, our strategy is the Safe Systems Approach and Complete and Green Streets is our method.
The #1 priority is for the new Town Council to pass and adopt the strong Complete & Green Streets Policy created by the Vision Zero Task Force and presented to the Township in May, 2024.
The Montclair Township website now includes the Vision Zero Montclair Task Force! More content is on the way.
The VZM Task Force is working to create a budget for the VZM work. It helps to have public comment support this as a priority!
Speed limits - Town Council unanimously passed a town wide 25 mph speed limit, (even lower in school zones)! The New Jersey Department of Transportation requires a traffic study prior to changing speed limits on county roads. These studies are a work in progress for Valley and Grove Street.
We are pressing the Township to move forward with modifying about 22 intersections in town with low cost, simple designs. In addition we are working on identifying potential traffic calming project ideas for this fall as part of the Streets Are For Everyone, (SS4A), grant the Township has received.
The Streets Are For Everyone (SAFE) Complete Streets Implementation Design Guide is a key resource for Montclair Township. Pages 1-5 provide a good overview but dig deeper and you will find a menu of recommendations for roadways identified as the CS Network.
Does Montclair have a parking problem? Read the Township of Montclair Parking Study from 2016 with background conditions and recommendations.
Take Action!
Call, write or email your elected representatives to share your concerns about roadway safety. Better still, step up to the microphone to add your voice to “Public Comment” at a Town Council meeting. It’s imperative that our Councilors, Mayor and Township management understand that making our roadways safe for people biking and walking needs to be a top priority with proactive planning, followed by action on the ground.
Get Involved
It takes a village to change a village. lead a hyper local SAFE Planning group, help manage our public relations or even participate in a BikeBus to school! There are many options for you to get involved, contribute to the greater good and help make Montclair a better place to bike, walk and live!. Please “Connect with Us” to learn more and explore the possibilities.
Bike&Walk Montclair is an organization dedicated to fighting for safer streets in our neighborhoods. We’d love your one-time or ongoing support so that we can continue our efforts to make Montclair a better place to bike, walk and live.